Solari Architects are Wellington's leaders in medium-density public and private housing design. The team of twenty are passionate about creating good living environments for people at scale and density. 

Individuality within this residential development is achieved through clustered positioning and a refined exterior scheme. Varied cladding approaches with trapezoidal metal, timber and rendered plaster ensure an elevated exterior to come home to.  Lead Architect for Brooklyn Tiketike Lindsay Griggs notes that the design was driven by the natural site landscape:

Sun and light are maximised, as are the valley views, of which the decks and living areas take advantage.  We’ve taken great care to offer a highly liveable, low maintenance setting and combined that with a high quality specification. The varying rooflines across the whole development act as a geometric reflection of the surrounding Brooklyn hills, and take cues from the local built vernacular.

Lindsay Griggs,  Associate and Lead Architect Brooklyn Tiketike for Solari.  BArch, BA hons RIBA/ARB Part III